7 - Learning by Teaching with Eddie Freeman Jan 30, 2024 Eddie Freeman is a senior software engineer at Streem in the United States. We talk about his love of storytelling through tabletop roleplaying games, and writing, then explore how he got into working in mobile app development. We also explore time that he spent learning and teaching about programming, both to coworkers and kids approaching the concepts for the first time. https://www.codepath.org/ https://code.org/ https://scratch.mit.edu/ https://www.thebetween.space/ Eddie: Twitter: @pixelknitter Github: @pixelknitter Discord: pixelknitter#9882 Portfolio (WIP): https://eddie.engineering Lindsay: Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindsaykwardell Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@lindsaykwardell Music: Moments by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com